2024 Free State PTA Speaking Opportunities

Be a presenter during our 2024 in-person convention. We need the top thought leaders and mission partners in leadership development, advocacy, membership growth and education to share their knowledge and experience.
We are looking for presenters who can inspire, educate and share proven methods and helpful tips that will help our PTA leaders and members make a lasting impact in their communities.
The call for workshop presenters for the 2024 Free State PTA Convention is NOW OPEN and YOU are invited to share your ideas and experiences as a presenter!
All proposals will be peer reviewed and chosen based on their demonstrated effectiveness to engage and inspire excellence for PTA leaders. Applications must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. EST, APRIL 30. All proposed presenters will be notified of their workshop status by mid-May.
We are looking for workshop sessions focusing on the following areas:
The Importance of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Running Your PTA
Family and Community Engagement
Effective Event Planning
Leadership Development/Officer Training/Boardsmanship
Tech and PTA
Best Practices for Grant Writing
Parliamentarian Procedures
Implicit Bias
How to run Virtual Meetings and Elections
Succession Planning
Youth/Student Engagement
Elevating the PTA Brand
Planning for Membership Growth
Media Training
This year workshops will be a combination of live and prerecorded. To apply, you will need to submit a proposal containing the following:
Give a description that outlines the content of the proposed workshop.
Describe your experience engaging audiences.
Provide 2-3 learning objectives.
Describe how you will meet your learning objectives.
Submit a bio and headshot for each presenter.
List contact information for all proposed presenters.