Call to Free State PTA Second Annual Convention
May 28, 2022
From the Free State PTA President
Free State PTA is excited to extend an invitation to you and all PTA/PTSA members to attend the 2nd Annual Free State PTA Convention. Join other members from around the state virtually on July 28-31, 2022. Is your vision clear as to what the next year entails? What are your goals, your challenges, your purpose? Our Free State PTA Convention Committee has been hard at work creating a fantastic event that includes workshops that will help you Improve Your Vision as a PTA leader. Convention is the perfect opportunity to learn new things, share great ideas and develop relationships that make us a stronger and louder PTA family. No other child advocacy organization does what we do. PTA advocates for all children, not just for the ones within the four walls of our PTA school. We are the only ones with a focus on Every Child OneVoice. That bigger picture touches and impacts the lives of children we may never see or know. History shows we DID make a difference! What we are doing DOES make a difference! Ladies and gentleman, this is 2022 and we WILL RESTART, RECONNECT, and REBUILD to make a difference in the lives of our students, parents, and communities.
Marla Posey-Moss, Free State PTA President
Convention gives members the opportunity to:
Meet, network, and develop relationships with others from all across Maryland who love children as much as you do.
Hear from National PTA representatives and other keynote speakers.
Participate in motivating and informative workshop sessions on current issues, advocacy and leadership training that will help you develop programs, projects and activities in your local PTA/PTSA.
As PTA members, we know how powerful mothers, fathers, grandparents and all caring adults can be when they join together to improve our schools. Convention is the time for us to join together to learn from each other, celebrate our successes and build for the future. We encourage you to attend and to take advantage of all the opportunities available at the Convention.
Business Items to be voted upon at the convention:
Election – Position of Free State PTA President-Elect
Free State PTA Bylaw Amendments
The Proposed Bylaws Amendments are included in pdf format, below. They will be introduced at the Free State PTA 2nd Annual Convention (July 28-31, 2022) as well as all candidates who have submitted their name as of this notice. The Group 1 bylaws updates must occur to permit an election at the 2022 Free State annual meeting. It permits candidates to register until the end of the day on May 29, 2022. An updated list of candidates will be published on May 31, 2022 and it will include all registrations received through May 29, 2022
Registration Information: Registration for the annual convention is currently closed.
Delegate Information
Delegate Credentials – Local Unit presidents, you will confirm your delegate status within the registration form. This must be complete before delegates receive voting privileges. All delegate forms were due by July 17, 2022.
Delegates are prescribed in Article XI, Section 1 of the FSPTA bylaws:
Members of the Free State PTA Board of Directors, and
Delegates from the constituent associations:
local PTA presidents or their alternates;
council PTA presidents or their alternates;
three (3) members of each local PTA in good standing; and
one (1) additional delegate for every fifty (50) members, or major fraction thereof, of each constituent association in good standing as reported on the records of Free State PTA as of April 1 of each year.
Sponsorship Opportunities
If you are interested in being a sponsor, please email convention@fspta.org.
Helpful Hints & Reminders for a Great Convention Experience:
Verify budget limits for convention expenses.
Make sure all reimbursement plans are clearly understood by you and your PTA.
Carefully read and complete all forms.
Encourage attendance of student PTA/PTSA members, teachers, and school administration.
Understand the Delegate Action Items (coming soon) and be prepared to debate and vote.
Make a commitment to attend the general meeting and participate in the business of Free State PTA.
Attend different workshops than others in your unit or council in order to gain the most information to share after convention.
After convention, report back to your unit and help develop a plan to utilize programs and ideas learned at convention, share materials received at convention with your team.